terça-feira, 31 de agosto de 2010


Esse post não será sobre moda,nem dicas!Porém,não será menos importante e vai dar muuuita água na boca!Comer é muito bom!E comer comidinhas fofas?Cookies,cupcakes,sushis,saladas,bolinhos,cafés,entre outros;mas somente comidinhas fofas!

E aii?Vocês comeriam ou ficariam somente admirando?Rs



Se tem uma cor que está com tuuuuuudo é o BRANCO!Isso mesmo!O Look total branco está bombando gente!Acho chic !

Aposte nas calças carrot/cenoura (a do meio),elas dão um up em qualquer produção.Uma outra dica é apostar em tons terrosos,marrom,bege,creme,nude.Eu gosto muito de marrom com branco,dá um contraste legal sem ficar muito over.

As bolsas coloridas também podem quebrar o look total white.

E aaii gostaram?


segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010

Maisona About

Estou APAIXONADA!Eu adoooro t-shirts!

As blusas são a lá Chanel (você reparou na logo da Chanel?) 

Aiiii eu quero !!Ok, agora é a noticia triste,não vende,nem entrega aqui !Mimimimi

sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2010

Para se inspirar!

Adoreiiii esse look!Muito azul (Jeans está com tudo,e branco nem se fala!) Adoreeei !

Felicidade é....

Achei esse texto super legal e fofo!Super vale a pena ler!Ele está em inglês,mas qualquer coisa é só jogar no google tradutor e pronto!

Happiness shouldn’t be something that happens to us in the future, maybe someday, if things go well. Happiness should be here and now, who we are now, with the people we’re with now, doing the things we’re doing now. And if we’re not with people who make us happy, and doing things that make us happy … then we should take action to make that happen.

   1. Be present. Don’t think about how great things will be in the future. Don’t dwell on what did or didn’t happen in the past. Learn to be in the here and now, and experience life as it’s happening, and appreciate the world for the beauty that it is, right now. Practice makes perfect with this crucial skill.
   2. Connect with others. In my experience, very few things can achieve happiness as well as connecting with other human beings, cultivating relationships, bonding with others. Some tips on doing this.
   3. Spend time with those you love. This might seem almost the same as the item above, and in reality it’s an extension of the same concept, a more specific application. Spending time with the people you love is extremely important to happiness … and yet it’s incredible how often we do just the opposite, and spend time alone, or disconnected from those we love, or spend time with people we don’t much like. Make it a priority to schedule time with the people you love. Make that your most important item of the day. For myself, I have a time when I cut off work, and the rest of the day is for my family. Weekends are exclusively for my family. And by setting aside this sacred time, I ensure my happiness by letting nothing come between me and the people I love most.
   4. Do the things you love. What do you love doing most? Figure out the 4-5 things you love doing most in life, the things that make you happiest, and make those the foundation of your day, every day. Eliminate as much of the rest as possible. For me, the things I love doing are: spending time with my family, writing, reading, and running. I do those things every day, and very little else. It may take awhile to get your life down to your essentials like I have (it took me a few years of careful elimination and rescheduling and saying “no” to requests that aren’t on my short list), but it’s worth the effort.
   5. Focus on the good things. Everyone’s life has positive and negative aspects — whether you’re happy or not depends largely on which aspects you focus on. Did you lose today’s softball game? At least you got to spend time with friends doing something fun. Did you sprain your ankle running? Well, your body probably needed a week’s rest anyway, as you were running too much! Did your baby get sick? Well, at least it’s only a flu virus and nothing life-threatening … and at least you have a wonderful baby to nurse to health! You can see my point — almost everything has a positive side, and focusing on the positives make all the difference. My Auntie Kerry died last week (as you know), and I’m still grieving, but 1) I’m happy I spent time with her before her death; 2) her death has brought our family closer together; 3) her suffering has ended; and 4) it reminded me to spend more time with the people I love while they’re still alive.
   6. Do work you love. An extension, of course, of doing the things you love, but applied to work. Are you already doing the work you love? Then you’re one of the lucky ones, and you should appreciate how lucky you are. If you aren’t doing the work you love, you should make it a priority to try to find work you’re passionate about, and to steer your career in that direction. Take myself for example: I was doing work that I was good at (just last year), but that I wasn’t passionate about. I was passionate about writing, and so I pursued blogging … and with a year of hard work, was able to quit my day job and blog full time. I’m so much happier these days!
   7. Lose yourself in your work. Once you’ve found work you love, the key is to lose yourself in it … clear away all distractions, find an interesting and challenging task, and just pour all your energy and focus into that task. With practice, you’ll forget about the outside world. There are few work-related joys that equal this feeling. Read more.
   8. Help others. Is there any better feeling than helping a fellow human being? There aren’t many. And it’s not too hard — here are 25 ways.
   9. Find time for peace. With the hectic pace of life these days, it’s hard to find a moment of peace. But if you can make time for solitude and quiet, it can be one of the happiest parts of your day. Here’s how.
  10. Notice the small things. Instead of waiting for the big things to happen — marriage, kids, house, nice car, big promotion, winning the lottery — find happiness in the small things that happen every day. Little things like having a quiet cup of coffee in the early morning hours, or the delicious and simple taste of berries, or the pleasure of reading a book with your child, or taking a walk with your partner. Noticing these small pleasures, throughout your day, makes a huge difference.
  11. Develop compassion. Compassion is developing a sense of shared suffering with others … and taking steps to alleviate the suffering of others. I think too often we forget about the suffering of others while focusing on our own suffering, and if we learned to share the suffering of others, our suffering would seem insignificant as a result. Compassion is an extremely valuable skill to learn, and you get better with practice. Here’s how.
  12. Be grateful. Learning to be grateful for what’s in our lives, for the people who have enriched our lives, goes a long way toward happiness. It helps us to appreciate what we have and what we have received, and the people who have helped us. Read more.
  13. Become a lifelong learner. I find an inordinate amount of pleasure in reading, in learning about new things, in enriching my knowledge as I get older. I think spending time reading some of the classics, as well as passionately pursuing new interests, is energy well invested. Try to do a little of it every day, and see if it doesn’t make you happier.
  14. Simplify your life. This is really about identifying the things you love (see above) and then eliminating everything else as much as possible. By simplifying your life in this way, you create time for your happiness, and you reduce the stress and chaos in your life. In my experience, living a very simple life is also a pleasure in itself.
  15. Slow down. Similar to simplifying, slowing down is just a matter of reminding yourself that there’s no need to rush through life. Schedule less things on your calendar, and more space between things. Learn to eat slower, drive slower, walk slower (unless you’re doing it for exercise). Going slowly helps to reduce stress, and improve the pleasure of doing things, and keeps you in the present moment.
  16. Exercise. I’ve written about the pleasures of exercise many times. It can be hard to start an exercise program (here’s how) but once you get going, it relieves stress and can really give you a good feeling. I feel joyful every time I go out for a run!
  17. Meditate. You don’t need to join a Zendo or get a mat or learn any lotus positions, but the simplest form of meditation can really help you to be present and to get out of the worrying part of your head. You can do it right now: close your eyes and simply try to focus on your breathing as long as possible. Pay attention to the breath as it comes into your body, and then as it goes out. When you feel your mind start to wander, don’t fret, but just simply acknowledge the other thoughts, and then return to your breathing. Do this a little each day and you’ll get better at it.
  18. Learn to accept. One of the challenges for people like me — people who want to improve themselves and change the world — is learning to accept things as they are. Sometimes it’s better to learn to accept, and to love, the world as it is, and people as they are, rather than to try to make everything and everyone conform to an impossible ideal. I’m not saying you should accept cruelty and injustice, but learn to love things when they are less than “perfect”.
  19. Spend time in nature. Go outside and take a walk each day, or take the time to watch a sunset or sunrise. Or find a body of water — the ocean, a lake, a river, a pond — and spend time taking a look at it, contemplating it. If you’re lucky enough to live near some woods, or a mountain, or a canyon, go hiking. Time in nature is time invested in your happiness.
  20. Find the miracles in life. I absolutely believe in miracles, and believe that they are all around us, every day. My children are all miracles. The kindnesses of strangers are miracles. The life growing all around us is a miracle. Find those miracles in your life, and enjoy the majesty of them.

Texto de Zen Habits: The Only Guide to Hapiness You´ll Ever Need

Enjoy Your Weekend!


Sienna Miller linda e maravilhosa,musa!

quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010

Linha Granado

Compre,use e se apaixone!Eu uso,adoro e recomendo!Ok, parei!Rs , mas é que realmente os produtos da Granado são muito bons!

Cera Nutritiva para unhas e Cuticulas

Gel para pés e pernas Cansadas

Manteiga Emoliente

Esfoliante de Pedra Pomes

Escalda - Pés

O único que eu ainda não tenho é o  -Escalda pés .Recomendo!As embalagens também são super fofas!By the way ,quem mora aqui em Brasília a Granado abriu uma loja no ParkShopping!Go now!!


Nesse verão...

Aposte nesse verão nesses esmaltes!!Vai dar o que falar!

quarta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2010


A Olivia é linda demais né?E os looks?Nem se fala!



Gente eu estou MUIIITO sem tempo!So sorry!Mas aqui vai duas dicas de filmes que eu vi há pouco tempo e ADOREI!Vale a pena!

Vale a pena viu?Recomendo!!!


sexta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2010

Dica de Beleza! 8 ou 80!

Primeiro vamos à dica de beleza mais salgadinha para tirar maquiagem!Mas suuper super super vale a pena!É o demaquilante da La Roche Posay,Toleriane.Não arde o olho,tira rímel à prova d ´agua,e hidrata pois tem um pouco de água thermal.

Minha outra diquinha super baratinha,é o shampoo Johnson & Johnson para tirar o rímel e a maquiagem na area dos olhos!Isso mesmo!Super funciona,baratinho,vale a pena!Mas tem que ser o amarelinho que não arde o olho!

Alguém ja testou?Eu uso e aprovo os dois!Espero que gostem!


quinta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2010

Oxford Shoes (sem salto! )

Agora sim vou falar do oxford shoes que eu gosto!Acho que dá um toque fashion e descolado a qualquer produção,além de sairem do comum também,por que sapatilha todo mundo tem , mas os oxfords não!Eu estou a procura do meu!Fui na Santa Lolla essa semana para conferir a nova coleção!Havia três tipos de oxford que inclusive achei praticamente a cópia inspired com um que a minha irmã comprou na TopShop!

Bom,os três primeiros pares (lilás,verde,caramelo)eram os que haviam chegado na loja da Santa Lolla.O que eu mais gostei foi o caramelo,porém quando cheguei lá ele não é beeeem esse caramelo que está ai na foto não!Esse foi o único motivo que me desmotivou a compra-lo,achei a cor bem apagadinha em relação à foto!Ainda bem que eu não comprei por que eu adorei esse jeans que eu não tinha visto antes!By the way, o preço dele é R$ 179,00!

Agora vamos ver alguns looks com oxford shoes!

Adorei esse oxford azul !

Gosto muito do jeito que Sienna Miller colocou seu oxford com a barra da calça dobrada!Fica muito legal!

Outro jeito que eu super gosto é usar oxford com vestidos floridos!Liiindo!

Olivia Palermo com seu oxford metalizado

Onde encontrar: http://www.sapatoonline.com.br/ / http://www.shoestock.com.br/ (Sites que fazem entraga para todo o Brasil!)

Lojas: Santa Lolla,Schutz

Beijo Beijo,Brunna.

quarta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2010

Novo corte de cabelo de Emma

Tudo bem que é legal dar uma mudada no visual de vez em quando,mas radical que nem a Emma Watson fez pra que?Ok,ela tem um BOM motivo!Emma está de olho em um papel de protagonista do filme "The girl with the dragon tatoo" ,da trilogia de Millenium de Stieg Larsson.No qual também disputam o papel: Natalie Portman,Zoe saldana,Kristen Steward e Keria Knightley (uffffa !)

Não da uma dó?O cabelo dela era liiiindo demais!Mas até que ela ficou fofa!Eu prefiro antes mas também não achei horrivel não!Rs

Outro boato que rolou foi que ela rapou o big hair como uma forma de "exorcismo" da sua personagem Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) já que a série acabou!

Teriam coragem?

Beijos, Brunna

Oxford com salto?!

Eu quase comprei um oxford ontem,mas fiquei na dúvida e decidi esperar!Hoje achei no site da marca Luiza Barcelos oxfords com SALTO !Isso mesmo!

Sinceramente?Não gostei não!

E aiii gostaram?


Para quem quer ver mais fica ai o site : http://www.luizabarcelos.com.br/blog/

Larissa Riquelme na festa da Playboy 35 anos

Você com certeza deve saber quem és Larissa Riquelme né?A "musa" da Copa 2010 apareceu assim na festa de comemoração dos 35 anos da Playboy!

Bom tinha que compartilhar essa imagem com vocês!Mesmo o meu blog sendo sobre moda e coisas legais,tinha que mostrar o que definitivamente NÃO é legal !E ai não gostaram?Quem gostou direto pro Esquadrão da Moda!rs


segunda-feira, 9 de agosto de 2010

In love!

Ontem no almoço, minha Tia Dora mostrou seu novo mimo!Coisa mais fofa uma clutch da Chanel !

Carol Dieckmann também tem a sua!Muito Chic e Phyno!

Beijos beeijo! Brunna